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Do I stil l need to take Vitamin D3 in the summer?Updated a year ago

Even during the warmer months of summer, your body may not be able to synthesise enough Vitamin D3 from the sun. This could be due to:

  • Age (The body's natural ability to synthesise D3 decreases with age)
  • Skin tone (People with dark skin tones need to be spend more time in the sun to synthesise healthy levels of D3)
  • Lifestyle (For example, if you work indoors, live in a colder climate, wear clothing that covers your skin or use a lot of sunscreen as this blocks natural D3 production)

Our sustainably sourced algae-based Vitamin D3 supplements come with 1000 IU in every softgel, allowing you to take them flexibly depending on your needs and lifestyle. 

In the summer, we best recommend taking 1000 IU (1 softgel) per day and 2000 IU (2 softgels) per day in the winter. For the maximum health benefits results, we best recommend taking our Algae Vitamin D3 all year round. 

For more information, please read our helpful blog post here

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