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How do I cancel my subscription?Updated a year ago

We'll be sad to see you go, but if you've made up your mind to cancel, you can manage it from the Account section or reach out to our friendly customer service team at [email protected]. They'll be able to take it from there for you.

To cancel your subscription yourself, you'll need to log in to the Account section using the email you signed up with. You'll then receive an email (and possibly an SMS if you've used your phone number when purchasing before) that you'll need to use to log in.

Once you’ve logged in, you'll be able to see all of your subscriptions in your account. From there, you can either cancel completely or skip your order for 15 days or 1 month. You can also gift your subscription to your friend if you'd like to! 

After you have skipped or cancelled your subscription, you will receive a confirmation email.

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